How to get rid of headaches without medication 2016

How to get rid of headaches without medication 2016

How to get rid of headaches without medication 2016

One of the most common diseases suffered by many people is a headache . This disease often occur without obvious symptoms . Scientifically , the disease is called cephalagia . This is a condition where a person will experience pain in the back of their head from the neck to rise to several other parts. Modern society is now happy to take advantage of traditional migraine headaches . Some people also suffer from what is called cluster headaches are often accompanied by pain problems in the eye . Migraine is a type of headache that also quite popular .

Headaches will be felt when menstruation . Not just any headache , the stomach will also be very painful and the body will feel chills , fatigue substantially completely not good . This is called premenstrual syndrome, or PMS . PMS can make women were in a situation that is not awful , abdominal pain , body aches all , sometimes accompanied by diarrhea or constipation . And the most common menstrual women will be easier emotional and difficult to control .
Headache is medically known as cephalalgia is the condition of the presence of pain in the head, ranging from dizziness while until the migraine is very painful. Headache disorders glance it looks as a trivial problem, but should not be considered trivial, but can disrupt our activities, headaches can also endanger the health of brain nerve if left prolonged.

The cause of these headaches are very diverse, when you have a headache, not infrequently you will quickly take a headache remedy in the form of analgesics such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, NeuralginRx and others. The drug is actually merely help relieve temporarily, not cure it. Most appropriate remedy for headaches is to overcome the corresponding factors.

Headache is actually easy to diagnoses, ranging from lifestyle to the history it had suffered, such as stress, lack of sleep, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure and others. If in the medical world, headaches can be identified by physical examination performed by a doctor, or also by investigations such as X-ray, CT Scan, MRI, EEG, and types of other tests, this is done for inspection complexes where there may be other causes more serious.

If no serious problems such as esophageal cancer, brain inflammation and other things that cause pain on the head, it turns out the drug is not the only way to relieve headaches. It is most often recommended by doctors is making changes for the better lifestyle, relaxation, aerobic exercise, stress management, etc., which must be done to cope with a headache without drugs.

How to Overcome Headaches Naturally Without Drugs :

1. Consume Lots of Water
When you headaches can be the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain disorder so the brain deprived of oxygen and blood flow . Things that can cause a person to experience a headache . Therefore, when you have a headache it is good to consume plenty of fluids . That's because the fluid you can drink blood flow and oxygen flow throughout the human body , especially in the brain . People who are dehydrated often feel dizzy and light-headedness it is because people are dehydrated lack of fluids in his body so that the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain is reduced.

2. Ice Cube
Prepare some ice cubes of medium size.
Wrap the chunks of ice that using a clean cloth or you can also use a washcloth .
Paste washcloth or cloth containing the ice cubes in your forehead or in the head feels dizzy .
Compresses for 15 minutes , over time you will feel that sense of dizziness you will be reduced and then disappeared . Kompresan will be effective if you sleep after doing the compressing approximately one hour . Dizziness you would be lost if used for sleeping

3. Hot tea
When headaches avoid consuming food or drink that is completely cold , also try to consume food and beverages warm . Warm drinks that can be used to relieve headache is fresh tea warm . If you do not like the taste of fresh , you can add a tablespoon of honey stau . The caffeine content in tea is not as much caffeine in coffee , if caffeine coffee should be avoided when the headache , the caffeine in tea it takes time headache .

4. Watermelon
Watermelon is a fruit that is rich in water . Water-rich fruit such as watermelon can be used to avoid dehydration and if dehydrated body will be easy to feel dizzy . Not only watermelon , the fruit is rich in more water can also be used to relieve headaches caused by dehydration . Fruits are rich in water content are melon , pear , citrus and many others .

5. Air Ginger
How to eliminate the headache could use ginger water . Ginger addition can be used as a medicine to relieve nausea , but ginger has anti -inflammatory properties that can be used to relieve inflammation in the brain , not only that anti - histamine can be used as a headache reliever . How to make ginger water to eliminate the headache is very easy roaster 4 segments namely ginger , then boil use 5 cups of water . Add one tablespoon of granulated sugar . Boil until boiling , when warm water began to smell the aroma of the ginger new drink little by little . Air ginger can also be added to honey if you like .

Such things can be used to treat headaches . If out of the way did not get a change , you should consult a doctor . Doctors will perform a series of tests to determine the source of headache you have. Usually the doctor will check the nerves in your head . If there is a blockage , constriction of blood vessels , tumors and other doctors will address the main source of the cause of headaches , then the doctor will give you a way to overcome a headache .

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