How to clean the eyes of traditional Operate 2016

How to clean the eyes of traditional Operate 2016

How to clean the eyes of traditional Operate

How to Make a Clean White Eyes - The eyes are very important senses that even the eyes are also beautiful bntuknya. Mata actually classified from most of the water so drinking water was healthy enough 8 glasses a day and eat foods high in vitamin.

So that your eyes are not brown or dirty impression you should avoid cigarette smoke, alcohol, sleep late, and not too long in the monitor either TV or laptop.

Women most will keep their eyes so white and clean, so what that it can be a way herbs are not at risk? You simply use eye drops when the tired eyes, the signs of tired eyes are starting to feel dizzy and watery. Kalu not you can use the betel leaf stew in rubbed in your eyes [in the eye position terpecam]. Consumption of carrot juice complete the meal with vegetables and carrots.

For those of you who like tomato juice or eat tomatoes can also make your eyes glow, do not ever wear chemical products for the eyes if being no suggestion of an ophthalmologist. Love your eyes along with your family as soon as possible for a long period. Let us support the movement of the eye

Have you ever exposed to dust up your eyes red , pain , heat and so on. Remember , do not ever rub your eyes if exposed to dust because it will cause irritation and makes the eyes red . Now there is a natural way and do not need to spend money to buy drugs . this is how I practice and the results are very helpful to overcome sore eyes are exposed to dust

Eyes usually does look less beautiful when the eyes and the color of the eyeball is not clear . It can be caused by various factors among which are the eyes were too tired to read or work long hours at the computer .
In addition , exposed to foreign objects that can hurt the eyes , dirty because of sleep , irritation , or even lack of sleep can also cause the eyeball becomes clear .

For those of you who have problems like this , you certainly want to have a clear eye . To get a clear eye , you do not have to use eye drops made ​​of expensive and harmful chemicals .
Here are some alternative ways to clear the eye traditionally used materials - natural ingredients that have been proven effective and is suitable for all kinds of springs .

Betel leaf is a leaf that has many benefits . For example , to eliminate bad breath and body . Not unexpectedly , the betel leaf also has a function to whiten the eyes that are no longer white / dirty . The traditional way is already believed to be able to clean the mta . The trick , take a handful of betel leaf . Rinse , then boiled . Let stand until cool . Then pour the boiling water into the container . Squirt your kemata cooking water . Or your eyes soak in boiling water betel periodically . Do this 2 times a day ie morning and evening . That's the natural way to clean a dirty eye that I often gunkan .
for the first entry is a bit sore , tp when it inside is not so pronounced.
should be done when going to sleep , so tomorrow 's eyes will taste good and fresh .

1. Prepare a clean water every time you go to bed , wipe the eyelashes with clean water you have been working , try a cotton swab to gently so as not to cause skin irritation eyebrows.

2. Put your face into the water supplied in different places , with a small bucket that has a diameter that is wider so that your face can get into the water , then blink your eyes 5x course , it serves to eliminate the remnants of dust on the eyelid

3. Use water leaves korajat (in Sundanese ) sangkobak ( Java ) to replace the other eye medications , how to use easy enough to pluck the leaves continue to drops of water flowing from the trunk dau . when water is dripping into your eyes , it will feel bitter moment, and you are required mengkedip - blink an eye over the eye still feels bitter .

4. When you wake up from sleep you please wipe your eyes with a gentle caress with a downward direction  it serves to eliminate the remnants of dust while you sleep .

5. Last use wet wipes to clean the remnants of dirt eye That glimpse explanation of how to clean the eyelids naturally from me , may be useful for you . If you have tips or a different way please do not hesitate to share your tips here , because all would have thought that way and no less interesting than tips or how stupid writer ini.terimakasih for your visit , do not forget to give your comments and suggestions under my posting this . because I believe I still have many shortcomings . greeting healthy

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