Powerful Ways To Treat Pain in Natural Dentistry , Disorders of the mouth of one of them was a toothache . Many are so reasons why a person affected by toothache . Several factors such as damage caused to the teeth and around the teeth , such as irritation of the tooth root , cracked tooth syndrome , dental erosion , and other disturbances in tooth cavities .
Toothache can override various ages , from children , adults and elderly . Toothache course will interfere with activities of daily routine . If toothache befall a person will be so painful as could not sleep , not tasty drink . Consuming foods also became unwell . But of course eating should remain a mandatory activity that should not be overlooked despite being toothache because the body needs nutrition . If left in certain conditions toothache may cause swollen gums .
If a person has a toothache with the following criteria is highly recommended to check with the dentist. If there are signs of infection, such as swelling, pain when biting, the gums are red or pus. Dental pain persists for more than a day or two Toothache febrile If you experience difficulty breathing or swallowing To treat toothache, the dentist will first ask your medical history and perform a physical examination. He will ask you questions about your pain, when to start, how severe, originators, what makes the pain worse, and what makes it even better. The dentist will examine your mouth, teeth, gums, jaw, tongue, throat, sinuses, ears, nose, and throat. Sometimes Xray teeth or other further examination is also required under suspicion the doctor about the cause of the patient's tooth pain naturally.
This time back I would like to share health tips to all of you, which is about how to remove toothache. The problem that this one is very, very frustrating and make anyone who experienced great suffering. Although I have never felt a toothache (hopefully never will), but my brother never experienced it a few times, and of the expression it represents, I know if he was in pain. But my sister is still my sister, she would never want to consume as severe toothache medicine despite whatever pain he endured. He prefers to use natural methods to cope with the pain of his teeth, and how that is done is proven to eliminate toothache quickly.
tips on how to get rid of toothache quickly
Then what to do? He used a method of massage with acupuncture techniques. This technique always did whenever experiencing toothache, sore molars either lower or upper jaw. Here I share how to treat toothache is always done by my sister (a description of the image above):
To eliminate sore lower molars, you simply press the root area second molars (the sore area) with hard for a while (did several times).
Next, press or massage, massage the area between the first joint of your big toe. If the lower molars ache, then a massage is the area after the first joint of the big toe. If the upper molars ache, then a massage is the area prior to the first joint of the big toe.
For massage in the big toe, then do the opposite side of the area experiencing toothache. If toothache on the right, then a massage / pressed is the left thumb, nor vice versa.
The cause of toothache can be several things, including cavities, cracked , eroded , most chewing gum , or even infected gums . Well, here are some traditional herbs to treat toothache
Based on the book Jude's Herbal Home Remedies written by Jude C. Todd, garlic can cure toothaches or cavities because it contains antiseptic compounds. Take a clove of garlic and place it on the tooth. Do it for 5 minutes, then remove the garlic and rinse the mouth with warm water.
Clove leaf
Cloves is an herb that become ingredients in the manufacture of cigarettes. However, leaf clovers proved to have efficacy in treating toothache. The trick, wash a few leaves cloves, brewed with boiling water, then crushed. Wring the cloth. Moisten a cotton swab with liquid, stuffed into a hole toothache.
clove oil
A study in the Journal of Dentistry in 2006 found that clove oil can also relieve toothache.
Give 2-3 drops of clove oil to cotton and then rub it on the teeth. If using cloves, first wet with saliva or gum-chewing before being put on the teeth.
Hot tea
In the book Prescription for Herbal Healing written by Phyllis A. Balch, said tea can be used to treat toothaches. Hot tea help eliminate bacteria in the mouth and reduce the pain temporarily. Place the tea bags in the gum to help stop inflammation. Should not be mixed sugar in hot tea.
Cayenne pepper
Little cayenne pepper is an expression to describe something small but has a lot of advantages. In dealing with a toothache, it is not just an expression. Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin compound that serves as a pain reliever. Dissolve chilli in hot water, dip a cotton, squeeze a little bit and put it in gear.
sap Distance
Jatropha does have many benefits for human life. In addition to fruit oils distances now being pursued as an alternative fuel, the sap of the tree this distance was efficacious treatment of pain of cavities. The trick is easy, simply by dripping sap within the cavities. Or it could also take the sap distance using cotton, cotton then enter the cavities.
roots Watercress
Who knew vegetables could make drowsiness if taken too much of this can also be used as a drug to treat a toothache. How: Take a handful of spinach root, 1/2 teaspoon vinegar, boiled with 1 cup of water. Use boiled water to rinse.
roots Meniran
So far, we know meniran as herbs to treat kidney disease, urinary tract disorders, hepatitis and dysentery. But apparently the root meniran also efficacious for treating a sore tooth. How: Rinse the roots meniran, then chew-chew on a sore tooth.
Lemongrass (not betel), also known as lemongrass. Usually used as a spice in the kitchen especially for steamed in order to add aroma. How: Boil 40 g of fresh lemongrass with 2 cups of water until the water a half. Use this mixture to rinse.
Ice Cube
Using ice is known to reduce pain and swelling in the teeth and gums. Enter an ice cube in a cloth bag or into the area of pain and leave for 5-10 minutes. Do this 2 times a day, but if conditions do not improve, contact your doctor immediately.
Betel leaf
Treating toothache with betel leaves way is to chew betel leaves raw. Spicy taste and aroma that can not be lost from the mouth then makes many people reluctant to perform this way. Then to still get these benefits, they change the way of chewing betel leaves directly into boiling them first and then use boiled water as a mouthwash. In this way, they can treat toothache without having to create their breath always smelled of betel. And besides as toothache, ways are also able to heal canker sores and bad breath that often makes you less confident.
To prevent the recurrence of dental pain, be diligent to maintain dental health. Remember, toothache only by heartache.
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