How to Treat Eye Hospital

How to Treat Eye Hospital

How to Treat Eye Hospital

Eye pain are all diseases or disorders of the eye that makes the eyes ache. Although not classified into types of the deadly disease , but nonetheless , eye pain can disrupt our daily activities . In addition , eye pain can lead to decreased self-confidence , because when we experience it , usually our eyes will be red, swollen 

Type Causes and Symptoms Eye Hospital
is an eye disorder caused by viruses and include the type of eye pain that is contagious. But calm , eye pain this type do not require special care , because in a few days will heal by itself . The hallmark of viral conjunctivitis is clear and watery fluid from the eye .

Sore eyes because of bacteria
sakit mata ini disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri dan termasuk kedalam jenis sakit mata yang lumayan serius, karena jika tidak diobati dengan baik, dapat menyebabkan kerusakan serius pada mata. Perbedaan antara sakit mata yang disebabkan oleh virus dan bakteri yaitu terletak dari cairan yang dikeluarkan. Jika viral konjungitivitis ditandai dengan adanya cairan bening dan encer, maka konjungtivitis bakteri ini sebaliknya yaitu ditandai dengan adanya cairan kental berwarna kekuningan atau yang lebih kita kenal dengan belek (belekan). Persamaannya yaitu sama-sama termasuk kedalam jenis sakit mata yang menular.

Sore eyes due to allergies
This eye disorder caused by allergies such as dust , pollen or pet dander . Eye pain can occur in the time period long enough. But not included into the category of infectious eye pain . This type of eye disease is usually characterized by itching of the eye .

Eye pain due to irritation
Sakit mata jenis ini disebabkan oleh iritasi seperti halnya kelilipan atau karena terkena percikan. Tanda dari gangguan mata ini diantaranya mata berair sedikit kental, biasanya akan sembuh dalam waktu satu hari, namun bisa juga lebih.

Red Eye Pain Medication
There are 2 kinds of drugs for these diseases, ointments and drops. For severe infections protruding eyes, their power more lasting ointment. Because, according to its form, the drug ointment form easier to stick and last a long time on the mucous membranes of the eye compared to drops. Drops quickly exhausted his tenure as easily flow out again with tears. So that the drops more often used than medication in the form of ointments, perhaps every 3-4 hours. Or it could be more than that, according to severity of infection.

Ointments are less favored because interfere with vision and give discomfort in the eye, in addition to less unsightly. Anyway not all patients wear eye ointment correctly. They put ointment on the mucous membranes of red eyelids, rather than directly on the eyeball, so it was smeared on the eyelashes. The trick is similar by applying toothpaste on a toothbrush. In front of the mirror, ointment rubbed on the inside of the lower eyelid by pulling the lower eyelid.

Buy an eye infection medicine in accordance with a prescription, because the eyes of existing drugs on the market have not been able to kill the seeds of the disease, not all of the same disease causes red eyes and the same medicine. Indiscriminate use of eye medication can harm the eyes. For rateable severe eye infections, doctors consider giving oral medication, besides ointment or eye drops.

The cause sore eyes were mostly occur due to allergies , infections , or lack of fluid in the eye that lead the eye to become dry so that the eye sore . It also looked at the object of focus or too excessive and rarely winks can cause dry eyes so that your eyes stinging , this usually happens when a person is or is too long at the computer , playing games and watching television, so forgot to blink. Now with frequent winks lubrication process will occur in the eye so that it can avoid the dryness that makes the eyes red and painful .

In addition to the above factors eye pain can be caused by lack of sleep , lack of nutrition are also weakening the immune system or that frequently occur due to seasonal eye pain even contagious . Such eye pain biasanay outbreak and spread from person Keyang others. This kind of incident often occurs in the family or group who interact often or often direct eye contact . This type of eye disease Java people call it disease or beleken belek you already feel ? It felt incredible pain in the area around the eyes , dizziness , watery too . Belek types of eye disease would take quite a long time about two weeks to a month sometimes not recovered depends on the type of treatment will be undertaken .

How to treat an eye with garlic
How clean the eyes the same way as the above , forget a little tip cut garlic , rub gently in the direction of the growth of eyelashes , rub only on the lower eyelid , wait until the stinging do not immediately flush if necessary repeat again . In order not to interfere with the activity , do it before bedtime .
Do not consume too much garlic , because garlic can cause unpleasant mouth odor , how to handle ? read more on how to overcome bad breath easily and quickly

Consumption of fruits
Increase consumption of fruits , especially which contains itamin A. Because vitamin A is good for eye health . Examples of fruits that contain lots of vitamin A , for example papaya , carrots . Carrots are known to be useful as a vegetable that is very good for the eyes , want to know how the benefits of carrots for eye minus yuk read in a way mengobat minus eyes naturally

How to treat an eye with the drug
Give eyedrops that many are sold in pharmacies . Read the rules of use , not to exceed the recommended dose .
Those are some tips on how to treat an eye , good luck , hopefully useful and get well .

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